I did finish Thunder Force. It is bad. I did not find many of the jokes funny and I thought some of the pop culture references seemed stale or out of date. (Maybe if I liked the film more I would not mention this.)The prologue was okay, if a little long, but a major plot point established in the prologue makes no sense. This is Ben Falcone’s fifth film as a director. He also wrote it. I have heard he is a talented actor, maybe he should stick to that. It is kind of telling that he is not directing any project that his wife is not headlining. I thought some scenes or jokes ran long. This is not as bad as Vacation 2015. That is not saying much though. Ocativa Spencer did not save this movie. See this https://slate.com/culture/2021/04/thunder-force-netflix-melissa-mccarthy-ben-falcone-movies.htm article if you want another opinion.
Who’s Harry Crumb stared John Candy as an inept private detective investigating a kidnapping. Of course Harry thinks he is a great detective. (That is the source of the comedy.) His father and grandfather were great detectives. He is assisted by the kidnapped girl’s sister Nicki (Shawnee Smith). They have a good chemistry. I liked John Candy but this is a trifle. I probably should not have bought it but I did. (At least it was reasonably priced.) There was a brief bit where Harry disguises himself as an Indian American (not Native American). I don’t think it was really mean-spirited but it would not go over well today. I guess this might be considered Candy’s attempt to create an inspector Clouseau type character.
I think this movie might be trying to do too much. Maybe the classic Ghostbusters did not need to be here. Perhaps the torch was passed in the last movie. Also maybe since this is the fifth or sixth movie I watched this week and I listened to a bunch of podcasts, I kind of forgot who a couple of the supporting characters were for a moment or so. Perhaps the film did not reintroduce the characters well. (Heh.) I think the Stay Puff Marshmallow men did not need to be in this movie. There were not in the movie a lot but if there is another one of these movies, they don’t need to be brought back. We already have the Minions, we don’t need c grade Minions. I did not hate this film. It is not as successful as some of the other movies I saw this week (in terms of what the movies were trying to do). Some reviews of this movie mentioned there were a lot of callbacks to the first movie. There were some but they didn’t bring the movie to a halt. (Camoes from the original cast pla...
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