Scorpion King Book of Souls

I skipped films 3 and 4 and went to film 5 of this series. This the fifth film in the franchise and we have our fourth Scorpion King (Zach McGowan). None of the three Scorpion Kings that followed Dwayne Johnson look like Dwayne Johnson. (I guess we are not supposed to think about it. Two of the three are roughly his size.)

In this one, villain has a sword, the Fang of Anubis,that makes him unstoppable and a grudge against the Scorpion King. The villain sends out minions to find the Scorpion King and bring in so the villain can kill him. The Scorpion King was living in disguise as a blacksmith.

The Scorpion King is saved by a Nubian Princess/warrior and he is convinced to help her defeat the villain. Her father was the king of Nubia and he knew he he location of the book of Souls, the only thing that can destroy the Fang of Anubis.

Apparently I was in the mood for this kind of action/adventure movie when I bought the box set. I thought McGowan was good in the part. If there is another film in this series (which I guess is possible), it would be nice if he came back. I like sword fights and dangerous quests in movies.


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