Why the Mission Impossible series works
I think the Mission Impossible series really works because it is committed and sincere. Tom Cruise is committed to doing as many stunts as possible and that comes acros while watching these movies. He broke an ankle during the making of Fallout while doing a stunt. The makers of the movies seem committed to doing old fashioned and amazing stunts.
When I say the films are sincere, I am not saying that they are humorless. However the films are not ironic. Also Marvel movies, as much as I enjoy most of them, have a tendency to undercut the drama with humor. (Thor Ragnorok does it a lot.) The Mission Impossible movies don’t do that.
I have not seen the first Mission Impossible movies in years and I mostly thinking about the last three movies. I remember in at least two of the first three movies the bad guy is a former member of the Mission Impossible team.
When I say the films are sincere, I am not saying that they are humorless. However the films are not ironic. Also Marvel movies, as much as I enjoy most of them, have a tendency to undercut the drama with humor. (Thor Ragnorok does it a lot.) The Mission Impossible movies don’t do that.
I have not seen the first Mission Impossible movies in years and I mostly thinking about the last three movies. I remember in at least two of the first three movies the bad guy is a former member of the Mission Impossible team.
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