Tales from the Crypt Demon Knight is decent

 Tales from the Crypt Demon Knight is decent. I think I saw it once many years ago. I did not care for the intro and closing framing segments with the Crypt Keeper. They were not terrible but I think they could have been shorter. 

The set up is fairly simple. Billy Zane (the Collector)is a demon and he has chased William Saddler's character (Brayker) to a run down hotel that used to be a church. Braker has something the Collector wants. The people in the hotel get caught up in the events. The Collector is a demon and he wants a key that will allow him to destroy reality. 

Zane is really good in this. I think without him, this would not work. He is a fun villain. I liked William Saddler as the hero and I thought Jada Pinket was good in her role. Thomas Hayden Church played a jerk, he was good at it though.

The demons looked good and the movie moves at a good pace. The situation is explained quickly too. This was good, maybe I will re-watch it next year. 


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