Movie thoughts 10-26-2018

The new Bohemian Rhapsody movie about Freddie Mercury is apparently bad. Early reviews I have seen were pretty negative. The movie does feature the band’s music, so maybe some people will buy the soundtrack album.

Venom made a lot of money. I enjoyed it but I am surprised by how much money it made. I guess there will be sequels.

I could rewatch Halloween 5 but I am not sure if I will. I remember liking it. Maybe I will but I won’t rewatch Halloween 6. Maybe it is not as bad as I remember but it might be and I remember it being pretty bad. I don’t think it could be worse than I remember it.

I wonder if Incredibles 2 will hold up on rewatch. I enjoyed it but I liked the first one a lot and maybe I expected too much from the sequel.


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