New One-armed Swordsmen is good and other movie thoughts
I watched the New One-Armed Swordsman. It is good. The star David Chiang also made the Wandering Swordsman and Have Sword Will Travel. (I might to re-watch one this year.)They might have been more fun than this one. In this one a new One-armed Swordsman emerges and fights to avenge a friend. Later I will watch Return of the One-armed Swordsman. There are rumors that more Star Wars movies will be announced at Star Wars celebration in May. I thought the franchise had transitioned to streaming TV. Oh well, it could be fun to see what is announced and to see online reaction. I wonder would have happened if the directors of Solo weren’t fired and then almost 70 percent of the film wasn’t reshoot. Would that Obi-wan show had been a movie instead? Some of the Trancers sequels are streaming. I am not sure if I would want to buy any of these sequels but it is nice to know they are available.